Derek Dobler

Derek Dobler

DerekDoblerWhen I think back to my childhood school memories, certain events stick out vividly to this day.  I remember going to Cow Town and washing clothes by hand, recreating book events from the novel The Hobbit, playing laser tag with my graduating class as a send off for us to accomplish bigger and better things.  What I remember most, however, is how for nine straight years I had a religious studies class every morning with Holy Cross.  While I didn’t appreciate it fully at the time, these classes laid the foundations for my success and my spiritual growth.

As I went through Heights High School and the University of Kansas, I was able to branch out of my comfort zone and meet new people with different beliefs.  I learned that there were other views in the world that didn’t line up with mine, classes being taught that contradicted what I was taught during my younger years.  Each time I was asked to question my beliefs, I could go back to the fundamentals I was taught at a young age and respond with an answer that didn’t compromise my faith.  With the groups I was offered as a child such as Junior Youth and the Boy Scouts, Holy Cross provided a safe and nurturing environment for me to become closer to God.

I may be finished with my degree but learning from the Bible is a life long experience.  From giving to charities to attending Bible studies with my friends, I try to share the gifts that have been given to me while continuing to build my faith.   Thank you Holy Cross for helping shape me into who I am today and starting me on my life long commitment to build a closer relationship to God.  Thank you and God bless.

Derek Dobler, 2003 HCLS Graduate

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