- Spanish is taught to Kindergarten-8th grades. K-2 is learning basic topics such as colors, numbers, greetings, and the after-meal prayer
- 3-5th is reviewing basics, the Lord’s Prayer, weather, telling time, and grammar
- 6-8th is building sentences/conversations by learning pronouns, verb conjugation, and adverbs
Our Primary Focus
Our motto: We, through God’s grace, nurture spiritual, academic, physical, emotional, and social growth in children by guiding them to become responsible citizens and members of the body of Christ.

Academic Excellence
At Holy Cross, we strive to be a school with academic excellence. The graduates from HCLS succeed in high school, many taking honor level and college credit classes. Our graduates excel at various public and private high schools, most of which report our students to be among their “top performers.”
We are Triple-Accredited through:
- The State of Kansas
- National Lutheran School Accreditation agency
We value each child of God and help them grow, nurturing their God-given talents and gifts to succeed to the best of their abilities.
State Assessments
Due to our State Accreditation requirements, students in grades 3-8 take the State Assessments. We do not teach to the test, but simply provide a strong academic experience to set them up for success on state assessments, high school placement tests, honors classes in high school and ACT tests in high school.
Our 8th grade students consistently average 90% or higher on Iowa Assessments in Language Arts.
Students are tested every year by our Resource Teacher, who holds a Masters in Special Education / Adaptive, for reading fluency and comprehension. This helps our teachers stay in tune to students progress throughout the year.
Our 8th grade students consistently average 88% or higher on Iowa Assessments in Math.
Holy Cross school scored higher than our LCMS District schools and the Kansas public schools on State Assessments consistently over the past decade and beyond.
What Does Our Curriculum Include?
- Programs for bathroom independent 3,4, and 5 year olds
- Centers on the “whole child” with an emphasis on balancing play, social & spiritual development as well as traditional academics
- Uses developmentally appropriate practices
- Daycare options available (during school calendar year)
- Weekly Chapel led by Pastors, teachers, staff, and students
- Morning Devotions
- Daily Bible Truths / Religion classes for all ages
- Scripture Memory assigned
- Integration of Faith into all subjects
- Contemporary Issues taught by Pastor
Language Arts / Reading
Language Arts / Reading
- Phonetics-based curriculum for K-3
- Language Arts integrated into all subjects
- Accelerated Reading program
- High standards of language comprehension utilizing Science of Reading techniques
- Middle School trained in research using all media sources including Public Library research
- Academic Language Therapists on staff
- Reveal & Savaas Math curriculum
- Math enhancements in Splash Math & Reflex Math
- Algebra offered to 8th grade
- IXL and self-lead enhancements built into curriculum for Middle School
Social Studies
Social Studies
- Local, State, and World History taught
- Pearson curriculum with digital media included
- Current and updated information
- Field trips, cross curricular, & social media opportunities led by teachers
- Full Science lab in Middle School
- Shared experiences from grade to grade
- Hands on experiments and research
- Faith integrated
Physical Education
Physical Education
- An important part of our curriculum
- Age Appropriate activities for each grade level
- Offered weekly for all students
- K-5 students offered 3 recesses daily
- Variety of media used including markers, pastels, chalk, watercolor, acrylic paint, tempera, construction paper, colored pencil, and clay
- Art appreciation included from kindergarten through eighth grade
- Experience includes projects like printmaking, sculpture, ceramic, collage, and various fiber arts
Performing Arts
Performing Arts
- Concert Band offered 5th – 8th
- General Music K-8
- Choir for Middle School
- Concerts and Performances throughout the year
- Music Theater offered as an elective for 6th – 8th
Foreign Language
Foreign Language
- 1:1 Surface Tablets in grades 6-8
- Computer classes for Kdg – 8th Grade
- Classes twice a week
- Fully equipped computer lab
- Windows PC w/Microsoft Office taught
- 1:1 iPads used in Kdg – 5th as an enhancement resource
- SMART Boards in every classroom